Rewind and re-wild at Musango Safari Camp

Musango Safari Camp • 21 March 2025

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Here's an update at the start of the 2025 safari season from the Edwards family and their team who run the delightful and long-established 16-bed Musango Safari Camp on Lake Kariba

As Africa turns its cheek towards the sun, the lake, the haze, the silhouettes and the wide open skies provide a blank canvas for a magnificent light show that we humans call a sunrise.  Twelve or more hours later it does the same thing as it it turns away at sunset.

Fortune favours the brave and the foolish… and those who stayed up to watch the first sunrise of 2025, surrounded by an elephant family and a newborn bushbuck were rewarded with an experience that was not only special but profoundly peaceful in these uncertain times. 

But back to reality.  We’re busy gearing up for the upcoming safari season. Conrad, our resident guide and Graham our proficient Learner Guide are being themselves guided by the sage that is Steve (Musango's owner). With decades of knowledge and wisdom to impart, backed by a wicked sense of humour, both guides and guests alike become sponges when Steve fires up on a favoured topic. How fortunate is Graham to have one of Africa’s top, albeit at times grizzliest, guides as his father and mentor! He will learn the wisdom.

Despite it being the green season, wildlife viewing has been excellent of late. Elephants by the ton, well fed lions and cleanly washed zebra co-exist with waterbuck, warthogs and waves of newly dropped impala lambs on the foreshore.

Numerous hippo chomp along amongst them. Conspicuous by their absence earlier this year, were our resident herd of buffalo.  Steve, is of the opinion that they have fierce competition from the ever increasing hippo population which mows down the already denuded foreshore every night. Hopefully the late rains will soon reverse this phenomenon.

Whilst a  massive herd of buffalo is a spectacular sight, cute little hippo calves bumbling along next to their Mums do fill the void until the buffalo return when things dry up inland and they’re forced back to the water.  Around camp, three newborn bushbuck have 'left the nest' and together with their Mums continue to thrill our guests with their antics. They’re very accommodating with photographers too.

Graham, who is  is a better fisherman than his father, reports that the fishing at the moment has far exceeded expectations of late.  Birding continues to be phenomenal and Musango is recognized as one of the top birding destinations in Zimbabwe. The guides guarantee that birding guests see a minimum of 50 different species BEFORE their first brunch on day one! Please hold them accountable! 

The most unique of all Musango's varied activities is a private visit to the dinosaur fossil sites with Steve, who
incidentally was recently honoured with having a fossil named after him. Not surprising, considering that he was the one who discovered it!  Ferganoceratodus edwardsi… an extinct lung fish. Steve has also discovered other new dinosaurs in the area - a Phytosaur which is an early cousin of the crocodile, and another specimen that is still being examined at the Natural History Museum in Britain. Watch this space...

As we watch the seasons gradually shift, and the days shorten, we urge you to turn off the television, mute your phone, pack your case and book your stay with us. De stress, detox and delve deep around the fireside with us as we treat you to the simple life that we are so lucky to experience every day. If Steve’s fireside tales, Wendy’s delicious meals and the delightful resident bushbuck at Musango don’t re- wild and regenerate you, not much in the world will! 


For more info and assistance with transfers and bookings at Musango Safari Camp, contact them HERE.


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