1. NOTE THAT ZIMBABWE HAS REMOVED ALL COVID-19 REQUIREMENTS FOR TOURISM, allowing travellers to enter and exit the country freely, regardless of their vaccination status.
All passengers arriving in Zimbabwe (with the exception of returning residents) are required to complete this Immigration form.

Citizens of most Southern African (SADC) countries (including South Africa) do not require visas to enter Zimbabwe. Other passport holders do need visas, which can usually be purchased at your point of entry. Be patient when dealing with officialdom at entry points. Expect delays.

Canadian passports: Single entry only: US$75
British and Irish passports:Single entry: US$55 (or equivalent in SARands or Pounds); Double entry: US$$70.
Other passports (USA, Europe, Australia, New Zealand). Single entry US$30 (or equivalent in SA Rands or Pounds); Double entry US$45 (or equivalent).
For more detailed information about visas and costs for Zimbabwe see this Wild Zambezi.com link:
or the Zimbabwe immigration website visa link www.evisa.gov.zw
Note that citizens of some countries (Category C) need to apply for visas in advance. They can do this online at www.evisa.gov.zw or at the nearest Zimbabwean Embassy
TRAVELLING WITHIN THE REGION: Note that as from 2023, visitors from many countries can now enter Zambia and Botswana VISA-FREE. Please check the visa requirements for those countries for more info.
KAZA UNI-VISA: Visitors who still require visas for entry to Zambia or Botswana, and wish to travel there from Zimbabwe, can obtain a KAZA UNI-VISA.
This very useful visa allows visitors to stay in either Zimbabwe or Zambia (or both) for up to 30 days for a single payment of US$50. This saves time and money and enables much easier travel between the two countries (e.g. at Victoria Falls/Livingstone).
The KAZA Uni-visa is also valid for a DAY TRIP ONLY to Botswana from Victoria Falls through the Kazangula border. Note that the visa expires or becomes invalid once a traveller spends a night outside Zimbabwe or Zambia. Those wishing to stay a night or more in Botswana should buy a Double Entry Visa for that country which will allow them duel entries from any border within a period of 6 months.
The KAZA Uni-visa is available on request at Victoria Falls, Harare, Livingstone, Lusaka ports of entry in Zimbabwe and Zambia and Kazungula border post. Unfortunately it is not yet available (or accepted) at either Chirundu or Kariba border posts.

The main airport points of entry into Zimbabwe for visitors are at Harare, Victoria Falls and Bulawayo International Airports.
Access by road is via borderposts at Beitbridge (from South Africa), Plumtree or Kasane (from Botswana), Kazangula (from Zambia & Botswana), Victoria Falls, Kariba Dam and Chirundu (from Zambia), Mutare and Nyamapanda (from Mozambique).
The road borderposts in the Zambezi area are open at the following times:
Victoria Falls Bridge: 6.00a.m. - 10.00p.m.
Kazangula Border: 6.00a.m. - 8.00 p.m.
Kazangula Bridge: 6.00a.m. - 10.00 p.m.
Kariba Dam: 6.00a.m. - 8.00 p.m.
Chirundu Bridge: 6.00a.m. - 10.00 p.m
Be careful not to arrive just before closing time. You may not be allowed through, even if there are still some minutes to go.
If you require some assistance in getting through the borderposts at Beitbridge, Victoria Falls, Kariba or Chirundu, the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority(ZTA) has representatives who will assist (during working hours). This service is free of charge. Contact them in advance as follows:-
ZTA Beitbridge:-
Area Manager: Bertha Mutowembwa berthamuto@gmail.com Mobile: +263 772 344317
or Collins - Mobile +263 783 599432. ZTA official Tel +263 286 23640/1/2/3.
PLEASE NOTE that this assistance is NOT a 24-hour service. The Zimbabwe Tourism Authority staff at Beitbridge work to ordinary office hours (8.00a.m. – 4.00p.m. Monday – Friday). They are not available outside these hours nor at weekends.
Crossing Beitbridge is a very useful Facebook Page providing helpful information about the processes required in making a border crossing into Zimbabwe from South Africa at Beitbridge borderpost. Their general guidelines below will assist you with how the process works at the border.
ZTA Victoria Falls:- Lindarose Ntuli – Mobile: +263 772 409373
ZTA Kariba (for crossing at Kariba or Chirundu)
Contact: Tapiwa Mpofu: ztakariba@ztazim.co.zw or tmpofu57@gmail.com
Mobile: +263 776 235500
Crossing borders in a Private Car
You will need the following documents:
a. Copy of Certificate of Registration for the car and or trailer.
b. Letter of authority if car and/or trailer is still under hire purchase or not in the driver's name.
For foreign registered cars - you need to apply for a Temporary Import Permit (TIP) online before your arrival at the border. Here is the link: https://ecustoms.zimra.co.zw/etip/
To make use of the electronic system, you need either a mobile phone with internet access and access to the Google PlayStore, or a computer with internet access. After registering on your phone or computer, you can make an application for a TIP. After filling out your details, you will get a reference number which you show to the ZIMRA officer when you arrive.
1. Report to ZINARA to buy Bridge Toll Fees (Beitbridge) & obtain a Gatepass
2. Report to Immigration.
(a) Returning Resident hand in passport together with gatepass.
(b) Tourist – Fill in Immigration Form 1 and if applicable apply and pay for VISAS.
3. Fill in Temporary Import Permit (TIP) (Foreign Registered Cars) or provide the Zimra officer with the TIP reference number you were sent when you applied online (see above)
(a) Approach Zimra officers for confirmation of vehicle details.
(b) Go to Zimra counter to pay:
(i) Carbon tax (US$10)
(ii) Third Party Insurance (US$30 per month or US$50 for 3 months)
(iii) Road Access (US$10 single trip).
4. Returning Residents and locals pay Road Access Fees at Zimra counters.
5. Both Tourists and Returning Residents go to ZRP Police Post for inward vetting of papers by Police. You need to present:
(a) Certificate of Registration for the car
(b) Authority to drive car across the border if car is not owned the driver.
(c) Gate pass.
(d) Processed Temporary Import Permit for tourists/visitors
(e) Receipt for Road Access Fees for Returning Residents/Locals.
(f) Receipts for Customs duties if you have paid for any duties.
6. Release Stage:
(a) Green Route – No goods to declare/goods imported with a value not exceeding the duty free allowance of USD200.00 per person per calendar month.
Release is done after verification by Compliance Officers at Arrivals by stamping of declaration form.
Red Route – Duty Calculation/Controlled or Commercial goods.
(b)Release is done after verification by Compliance Officers at Arrivals by stamping of declaration form and/or duty receipt.