CASH SHORTAGE IN ZIMBABWE: Bring some with you if visiting

Wild Zambezi • 6 July 2016

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There has been some concern over a current shortage of US Dollars cash in Zimbabwe.  However, this should not impact negatively on the majority of visitors to the country as most mainstream tourism operations accept International Visa and Mastercard payments.  

Cash payments will only really be required for personal purchases (e.g. souvenirs), tips and some small accommodation facilities, shops, restaurants and craft markets which do not have card facilities. 

The banks are currently limiting ATM cash withdrawals (some have more stringent limits that others) and visitors should be aware that it may not always be possible to withdraw the amount of US dollars in cash that they require.

We strongly advise, therefore, that visitors bring enough US$ notes with them to cover any cash payments required for accommodation, meals, souvenir purchases or tips etc. where Visa/Master card facilities are not available.   Carry some small denomination bills ($20, $10 and $1)  and ensure that you keep your cash in a safe place at all times.

The  Zimbabwe Revenue Authority has advised that  “The importation of currency into Zimbabwe by travellers is not restricted. This implies that any person can bring in any amount of currency into Zimbabwe. However, with immediate effect all visitors to Zimbabwe are hereby encouraged to complete a Baggage Declaration Form (Form 47) and declare the currency in their possession at the time of entry. The processed declaration forms may be used to support re-export of any balance of currency at the end the visit to Zimbabwe, should it exceed the allowed export thresholds” (currently US$1000).

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