ZPGA - Zimbabwe Professional Guides Association

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The Zimbabwe Professional Guides Association (Z.P.G.A.) is a private sector organisation whose collective membership shares a commitment to conservation of wildlife resources, and the long-term survival of all areas set aside for such purposes.

The Z.P.G.A works with policy makers to identify problems and formulate solutions for conservation of wildlife, wildlife habitat as well as the wildlife Industry as a whole in Zimbabwe for current and future generations. 

The Z.P.G.A. in conjunction with the Zimbabwean government, has established and maintained one of the highest levels of field guide qualification in Africa. This system was developed by and is continuously being improved by the members themselves. Thereby maintaining a professional ethic that is meaningful and in real-time with the objectives of the Association.

The Zimbabwe Government, through the Zimbabwe Parks Wildlife Management Authority (Z.P.W.M.A.) remains the licensing authority for Professional Guides, but acknowledges the Association examining body as a necessary and committed partner in this regard.

Membership of the Z.P.G.A. is not compulsory, and is granted only to individual guides who comply with the organisation's strict criteria. But guides who qualify for alignment with an organisation like the Z.P.G.A., associate themselves with the organisation's strong legacy of maintaining industry integrity and standards.  This provides, Safari operators and agents with a standard to sell and guests a superior quality product to buy into.

Individuals with an affiliation to the Z.P.G.A. are automatically synonymous with the toughest professional guiding standards and – more importantly – ethics and principles, in Africa.

Mobile + 263 77 2310347
Website zpga.org
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