ZimParks - Zimbabwe National Parks and Wildlife Authority

Binga, Chewore, Chirundu, Chizarira, Hwange National Park, Kariba Town, Lake Kariba, Mana Pools, Matusadona, Mlibizi, Msuna & Deka, Mongwe, Sapi, Victoria Falls, Zambezi National Park

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The Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Authority (ZimParks) is responsible for conserving Zimbabwe's wildlife and wilderness resources, in National Parks, Protected Areas and on other state-owned land.

A vast Zambezi area of Zimbabwe falls under such protection, with the most well-known areas being the  Zambezi NP; Victoria Falls NP; Hwange NP; Chizarira NP; Matusadona NP; Lake Kariba Recreational Park and Mana Pools National Park.

ZimParks has self-catering tourism lodges/cottages, tented camps and campsite facilities for visitors in its properties throughout Zimbabwe.  All of these are situated in prime scenic and wildlife areas.  In the Zambezi areas (including Hwange and Kariba) facilities are as follows: 

Hwange National Park: (see map) ZimParks-run tourism facilities in Hwange NP include Main Camp (lodges, chalets and camping); Sinamatella Camp (limited chalets and a campsite) and Robins Camp (basic chalets and a campsite run in partnership with the private sector). Camping is allowed at some ZimParks picnic sites and there are also several exclusive campsites in various parts of the Park.  Overnighting is allowed at some of the Park's platforms/hides if booked in advance.  For more information and bookings email: hwangebookings@zimparks.org.zw 

Chizarira National Park: remote campsites  Email: bookings@zimparks.org.zw

Matusadona National Park : Tourism facilities in this Park have all been refurbished and upgraded.  They include a fully developed campsite and cottages at Tashinga, wilderness bush camps, and fully-supported, self-catering or catered bush camps. For more details and contacts see the Matusadona National Park Listing page on this website.

Kariba Nyanyana: ZimParks campsite and 6-bed lodge. Direct bookings e-mail: chararasafari@gmail.com

Marongora: ZimParks campsite

Chinhoyi Caves: cimParks campsite and 24-bed Chinhoyi Caves Motel  zimparkschinhoyicavesmotel@gmail.com or chinhoyicavesmotel@zimparks.co.zw

Mana Pools National Park: ZimParks public campsite at Nyamepi (30 sites); two 8-bed lodges, three 4-bed cottages, five 2-bed self-catering tented camp units, exclusive camps along the Zambezi River and inland at Chitake Spring (see maps).  For bookings, e-mail: Christina Mhuriro - cmhuriro@zimparks.org.zw  Whatsapp: +263 772 432 148


Reservations for Parks facilities are opened one year in advance to all clients, including Zimbabwe residents. Clients are treated on a first come first serve basis, with payment being demanded up front. 

The correct e-mail address for National Park reservations is: bookings@zimparks.org.zw  

Tel:  +263 24 2706077/8   or  +263 24 2707624-9

ZimParks also has individual bookings specialists for their various Parks - see the first image in the Photo Gallery below for their contact details.

ZIMPARKS TARRIFS:  Current ZimParks fees for accommodation, conservation and other fees are quoted in US$  and are payable as such by all foreign nationals.  Zimbabweans are able to pay in local RTGS currency, at the prevailing interbank market rate of the day.  Contact the booking office for exact amounts on the day of payment.    

The latest ZimParks Conservation, Vehicle and Accommodation Fees for all Zimbabwe National Parks and Recreational Park areas, including those within the Victoria Falls, Kariba and Zambezi River areas are available as a PDF download on the ZimParks website at this link: 



Linked stories & blogs: 

FEATURE: Small Tented Safari Options in Mana Pools - (Travel Blog 2025)

ZimParks Accommodation & Conservation Fees   Travel Advice

Mana Pools camping:  some important things to note - Travel Blog

Information for self-drivers visiting Mana Pools for the first time (April 2016)

National Parks reinstates unguided public walking in Mana Pools - July 2015

Reviews 2

Elise Haber, South Africa 26 October 2015
After dreaming for some years of visiting Mana Pools we made the long trek to stay at Nyamepi Camp from 10-13 Oct 2015. Our visit (animal wise) was fantastic and therefore merits the 5-star rating. However, given that it is quite costly to travel all the way from South Africa to Mana Pools, what we found in terms of infrastructure (or the lack thereof) does not warrant the nearly US$550 that the four of us paid for 3 days. Having "survived" the most atrocious road (it took us nearly four hours from the main road to reception, we all wondered if the grader at the second boom gate (T junction) was decoration or whether it was actually used. On arrival at reception we were initially given campsite no 7 but we were quick to point out that we had paid for a river view site. Finally we were given site SB1. Had it not been for some guys camped a few sites further, we may not have found SB1 as the barbeque structure on which the number was painted, was only a heap of mortar and bricks. Despite this and the fact that the site was possibly last cleaned when the Zambezi was in flood, we had two nice shady areas to move around in. At the nearby ablution facilities the door to the shower had no handle, making it very cumbersome to open as you had to insert your finger in the hole where the handle once was or try and open it at the top! The shower had no head. In the three days we were in the camp-neither the shower nor the toilet was cleaned once. We fully understand that financial constraints may play a role in this sad state of affairs but then, as a World Heritage Site, Mana Pools staff and Zimparks in general should get their act in order. What happens to the monies paid by visitors? If tourists are prepared to travel a few thousand kilometers and fork out a handsome amount of money to view areas such as Mana Pools, then at least make sure that they get their money's worth. As far as infrastructure goes, Zimparks, you're doing it right in Gonarezhou, why not in Mana??
Libby Nelson, Hong Kong 21 August 2015
We spent four nights in two lodges in the Zambezi National Park (Victoria Falls) which must rate as one of the more spectacular settings for National Parks accommodation anywhere. To have the river so close with wildlife constantly foraging and browsing around one's lodge throughout the day and night is a privilege barring none. Sadly the accommodation was not quite as it could be. Dysfunctional toilets, an absence of hot water, mosquito nets with no ceiling hooks and electrical points dangling precariously from the wall, tended to detract from what otherwise was a wonderful stay. Our repair requests were promptly responded to and we were looked after by helpful staff who under straitened budgetary circumstances are trying their best. National Parks, I feel sure, do treasure this valuable tourist and conservation asset and will be making every effort to enhance and maintain its facilities. One appreciates the difficulties faced but ongoing work is necessary to repair the lodges to comfortable functionality. Response received from ZimParks 28 August 2015: We are grateful for the feedback that we received from our valued client. It helps us know where we are lacking and areas that require improvement. The Authority is taking measures to improve the product, while funding the conservation effort using limited resources. The increase in numbers of visitors to our facilities will help in wildife conservation and improved service but this also depends on the quality of experience the visitors receive. The Authority recently recruited Camp Managers to specific stations whose key areas are to improve customer service. These are some of the measures we are implementing to ensure that your holidays are memorable.
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